Daughter refusing to sleep/stay asleep unless it’s on me


The last week or so my daughter has started fighting her nap, then only having a 1-1.5 hour sleep once she gives in and sleeps. Then at night she’s been waking up multiple times. The last few nights (after I’ve already breastfed her) she has just screamed until I give in and take her to sleep with me on the couch. Basically I have to have her snuggled up in my arms/on my chest. I don’t want to create bad habits but she seems inconsolable until I pick her up. Paracetamol doesn’t seem to have any effect. Can anyone help? It’s really starting to make me feel like I’m doing something wrong. I thought it was just the leap or teething or something, but she’s never been this bad before - at least not since she was about 4 months old.