My fault? Feeling horrible

Last night my BF and I got into an argument that rolled over into this morning. He woke me up before he left to work and said he was leaving, I said bye have a great day and he walked out. Than he came back in and told me something for not giving him a hug and kiss. I said “you were mad at me last night before bed and didn’t even touch me all night, I didn’t know if you would still be mad at me this morning, plus you walked right out after I told you to have a good day” he got mad and left to work. Than ten minutes later comes back in yelling at me telling me I need to knock my shit off and act right. I guess he scratched up his rim when he was taking off for work. He got mad because he said the reason he scratched it was because he wasn’t paying attention and was focused on thinking about me and our fight so when he was pulling out he scratched up his rim. Now I feel extremely bad because his rims are super expensive and he just got them. I feel bad that I stressed him out and he wasn’t paying attention and ruined his shit. What can I do to try to make it better? He said if he wasn’t mad about our argument he would’ve been paying better attention. Ugh. I feel horrible!