Hairy back

Hey everyone, I’m 26 and till this day I’m so embarrassed of my back, it’s so hairy.. well I’ve been so self conscious that I’ve never let any of my bfs give me a back massage till recently. My bf of 4 months always wanted to give me massages and I would always make up an excuse until this weekend I let him and the first thing he says when he starts putting oil “why don’t you shave your back... you have a lot of hair for a girl” I wanted to cry because first time I finally let this happen and he says this and continues with “girls always post with smoth hairless back, why don’t you take care of that” I put my clothes on and went straight to the restroom.. I’m so embarrassed

Anyone who has a hairy back, what do you do to remove it?... I’ve tried shaving but I can’t even reach which is why I haven’t “taken care of it”