Can your baby sit supported or do the tripod sit yet?


Just curious where everyone’s <a href="">baby development</a> is sitting wise. My son is in physical therapy for a medical condition that can cause him pain in one of his hips. He had his evaluation on Monday and she said developmentally he’s at 4 months but he’s 5 months and a week old. I wasn’t really surprised because there was almost a month where he wouldn’t use his right leg because of the medical problem (undiagnosed at the time but it was being figured out). One of the things she mentioned was he should be able to do the tripod sit already but everything I’m reading says that’s usually closer to a 6 month thing. He can sit independently though for a few seconds before falling over. Idk just kind of made me feel sad that he’s that far behind even though I was kind of expecting it.

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