Bad news

So I didn't want to post at all. But I went to the hospital today admist more spotting nothing heavy...I went in thinking I was 11 weeks because upon initial calculation n an earlier planned parenthood visit, I was. Turns out after blood tests ultra sound and urine that I'm Only 6 weeks and 5 days. 
Naturally, I am thinking the worse. How can I be 5 weeks off? They said it's possible we just overestimated when I actually got pregnant and maybe got pregnant later than what I thought which threw off my calculation. Or the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. 
They say it's good that I have no cramping or pain even tho I have light spotting. They want me to go in 2 weeks for a beta ultra sound cuz by then according to their calculations I'll be 8 weeks and they'll be able to get a better view and hear a heartbeat, which I did not get today. 
Lot story short, this was the worst year of my life already, and I was hoping that this pregnancy was the silver lining in the clouds but now I feel defeated all over again. 
Sorry for the rant.