Relationship problems

Some days I just feel like my boyfriend doesn't want this baby. He's 21, I'm 18, this is my second his first, and he's been so distant, I'm 9 weeks 2 days and it just doesn't seam like he wants to be a father. He has been know to in the past to go on binders and no one hears from him for weeks, he goes drinks and gets high, he's Never to go get high other than when he goes and does the stupid binders. He says he can't control when he does it but we all know that's false... I always said I would never be a single mom of two kids, but honestly that's what I feel Is best right now....... I know I'm young but I've made it with my daughter, graduating high school and getting accepted To a college I'll be starting right after this baby is born. What am I sposed to do...