Pending miscarriage :(


Hey, I could use some advice / support. I am 5 weeks 4 days I am in a weird position where I bled heavily but my hcg is slowly rising still. It's currently 295 (up from 233). My doc says she doesn't believe it's going to be a viable pregnancy and that we just need to keep testing my hcg until it drops or gets to the 1500 range, in which case they can reasonably see the gestational sac or confirm partial miscarriage. She's doing an ultra sound on Monday to see if it's ectopic. If not, then it's just a waiting game until an embyo either shows up or doesn't. Which could take weeks. I hate not knowing what is happening. I teach middle school and I don't know if I can teach and be going through this at the same time. Let alone starting to miscarry at school/have an ectopic emergency at school. Like, do I tell my boss what is happening? The thought that this will take weeks to resolve is killing me. Have any of you gone through this? How did you get through the pain of waiting? Thanks all. ❤