Relationship and Pregnancy

I don’t know what to do? I’m pregnant and my boyfriend and me fight a lot because he is always rude and when he’s drunk he is worst and starts assuming I’m cheating when I’m not! This is the 2nd time he gets drunk and last night he pulled my hair (that a lot of my hair fell out), hit me everywhere including my face, scratched me everywhere. Now I have a bruise on my chin and my lips have scratches. And I’m super hurt super inside and out. And I give birth in April 18. And I been scheduling a maternity shoot and it’s tomorrow March 6 and idk what to do idk if I should take it myself or with him. He apologized but idk this is the 2nd time and it’s when he’s drunk. I also have a baby shower coming March 27 and idk what to do. I don’t want to be with him or be around him. I’m afraid of him and I’m so sad this happened again. And I’m also mad I have these things on my face because of him. Idk if I should just do my photos alone? I need help! What should I do!.