Pregnancy and restraining orders

Two weeks ago I found out I was pregnant. I was supper excited to tell my boyfriend (of 2 yrs, friend of 10 yrs). He cried .... not because he was happy because reality hit of what just happened. He told me that having this baby was not an option for us. I tried giving him some time. Between then and now he’s been showing his true colors and becoming aggressive. I told him I would get an abortion (against what I wanted) but that I would no longer be keeping in contact with him ... he told me that that was also not an option and that he will not loose me ... long story short my dad had to take me to file for a restraining order. It just hurts so bad because I never expected this to be the outcome. I haven’t been to my own home in days because I’m afraid that once I start ignoring him he will come looking for me. He has a mean temper that clicks like a switch. I want to feel like he loves me so much because he won’t let me go but I guess I have to stop ignoring the manipulation and narcissism. He only wants me if I “listen” (his words ... I should listen). He’s my first love and this would be both of our first baby.... I’m so heart broken and conflicted.