Starting Daycare

We are very fortunate that I was able to work from home during this pandemic and kept our son home with me. But now, as we prepare to be going back into the office I’m so scared for him to start daycare 😭 Yes, because of COVID. But mainly because he’s only gone to a sitter 5 weeks of his life and he obviously had no idea what was going on. We’ve taken COVID very seriously and barely see family other than FaceTime, especially since around November (fiance had a COVID scare through work, thanksgiving spike, fiancé’s grandparents caught it, his parents being a close contact, the death of his grandfather from COVID, Christmas, post Christmas spike etc). So our son truly is hesitant and a bit scared around people and in new environments. And for me, the thing I’m most anxious about is that he knows when he’s scared 😭 I don’t at all regret any steps we’ve taken to keep him safe to the best of our ability and knowledge, but man. I did not feel this way dropping him off at the sitter when he was an infant and it would have been SO much easier if he had just been able to go to the sitter and this not be an abnormal situation😭

Thankfully we’re able to do a few mornings at the daycare I really wanted and slowly transition him (and me) to not being around each other 24/7. I keep telling myself I know it’ll be good for him and I think he’ll do well. But holy don’t I have anxiety about it 🙈