

Legit don’t know where else to whine as my usual vent people are going through personal stuff.

Gosh I love my baby girl so much, and wouldn’t trade her for the world, but I just need her to sleep! Before the start of this year she was a perfect sleeper. Then she had a surgery on December 30th, and another on January 22nd. Somewhere during that timeframe, it’s triggered some form of breathing issue, and now any time she cries, or exerts herself in anyway she takes a minute or two struggling to catch her breath, with some episodes resulting in her going blue around her lips. It’s not a wheeze. More like she’s run some form of sprint at top speed and is puffed out!

It’s just got worse over the past two months, and now we alternate between episodes of screaming hours and hours at night, and having to catch her breath. I think the maximum I slept last night was 10 minutes here and there.

She has an airway scope booked in 9 days where we will hopefully get some answers. But I’m so desperate and exhausted.

Co-sleeping is NOT an option either, as she’s hooked up to a feeding tube/pump 21 hours a day, and we can’t risk the tubing getting all tangled. My partner works nights.

This photo was taken about 10 minutes after an “episode” with her going blue. Which shows you it’s short lived (so not something that requires hospitalisation)