Am I in the wrong?


Me and my fiance have been together for almost 2 years, living together our whole relationship. A year before we met he quit drinking soda completely due to huge weight gain. After he quit drinking it he lost a lot of weight and got a lot healthier and I am so proud of him. But here is my problem. To help support him our first year living together I avoided drinking soda at home (I love soda, its one of my favorite treats). I never had it in the house and if I did I hid it and only drank it when he was gone. Now, im getting really tired of hiding it. Ive stopped hiding it, I got a mini fridge for our bedroom and had a few cans of soda in there for myself, but also stocked the fridge with things for him like chocolate milk (his favorite) and orange juice so he had special drinks in there as well. Well, now he's all upset with me because I'm drinking it in front of him. He tells me how inconsiderate I am for not supporting him and tells me if he starts drinking soda again and gains the weight back it will be all my fault. I just feel like I shouldn't have to stop drinking soda, or hide it in my own home for him anymore. Especially when I know he wouldn't do the same for me.

For example; he smokes a lot of Marijuana, usually in our bedroom. I used to smoke with him on occasion and really enjoyed it to wind down at the end of the night. Well, now I'm 25 weeks pregnant and have decided to stop smoking until my pregnancy is over. He still smokes in the house, in our bedroom. Ive asked him multiple times to either smoke outside or in the spare bedroom as I dont want to be breathing in the smoke and he refuses because its "his home and he should be able to do what he wants" so, shouldn't I be able to drink a soda every now and then without him getting upset with me? I could really use some advice here.