Trust can't be fixed

Long story short I spent 8 years of my life with someone that repeatedly cheated on me, destroyed any confidence I ever had in myself and just generally messed me around. I was 18 when we got together and honestly believed he was the love of my life - hence sticking around forgiving him & taking him back multiple times (yes I know now I was a mug).

Anyway, I'm now 30 and with someone new, who I've been honest with about my insecurities. He says he has a horrible guilt complex (from cheating once when he was 21) he is open and honest with me and says he feels hurt by me even thinking that he could potentially do something to hurt me.

My question is, has anyone else been hurt so badly that even therapy can't fix you? If so, how are you coping? What do you do?

I've come to realise that I do not trust a single soul 💔