How can I ever date when I keep having to move?

So when I was at university, I started dating someone in my very last term of Uni. He broke it off as we were gonna be living 100 miles away, I was gutted.

Then I moved back home, and tried dating then but then I was applying for jobs round the country so couldn’t commit to anything

Then I moved to London for work for 6 months. When the job ended had to go back home.

I moved to Hertfordshire uk for lockdown and I’m starting to settle in here and I’m talking to a guy in London. But now my job says I’ll have to move to Bristol when lockdown over and i feel like I’ll never be in one place to build connections and find a biufriend. I’m scared I’ll always be single cause I’m gonna be 26 soon and apparently guys are less interested in girls in their late 20s