How does she know?


So like I posted a few months ago I was unemployed for way too long, stress, depressed as hell (still depressed) and was constantly told I need to move the hell out by my mother. Before the judging I wasn’t sitting on my ass I was doing instacart as a way to pay little bills here and there plus my bf would help pay and I was looking into going back to school. I finally went back to school last semester to finish my bachelor.

I already have my associates. Still getting told i need to get the hell out even with me doing odd jobs and bf helping to pay her bills. I got a job in December but they are still waiting on my background check to come in ( i know it been like 3 almost 4 months now I wtf is taking so long) then two the end of January I got a second job this one I literally started three days after applying.

Now to make a long story short I didn’t tell my mother about either one of these jobs the only person that knew about it was my bf, my sisters and my aunt now where is the difference between the between the three. My bf knows i am still waiting to hear from my first job, my sisters are kinda of forgetful so as far as one remembers I only have one job and the other sister doesn’t remember anything. My aunt thinks I am working at two different places because I didn’t tell her about the background check thing. Fast forward my mother’s now knows that I apparently have two jobs. I never told her, my sisters and my boyfriend didn’t tell her and I told them not to tell her and if they did they would only tell her that I have one since i am waiting for the background check on the other and my aunt said she didn’t tell her anything to my mother.

The coincidence of my mom finding this thing out magically just so happened to be when my aunt stop talking to me because I didn’t visit her because I had work and a brunch of school work to finish the day I was planning to visit her. So help me out me out my bf didn’t tell her they are not that close, my forgetful sisters didn’t tell her and my aunt didn’t tell her. So how did she find out

Oh for those of you wondering why I didn’t tell my mom or want to tell my mother I have any type of job its simple. She wants me to move out her house, for my own sanity and to be able do my class work without hearing I am always on the computer blah blah I want to move out. It hard doing that when you’re paying your own bills and other people’s bills. When ever my mother finds out we have money we need to pay this bill, we need to pay that bill, this bill is due, that bill is due, we need to buy this, we need to by that and it never it her money because she doesn’t have the money but some how she magically finds it to go shopping and go out with her friends. By we I mean me and my first sister. I have no problem helping her out but how am I going to save and move out if I am always spending it.