No kids?


My husband is a great uncle. Watching him with our nieces and nephews, I know he would be a wonderful father. Once, he even stopped to watch Bubble Guppies with our 2 year old niece on his way home from work because she told him she wanted to show it to him. Adorable. My husband, however, has decided he is okay with just being an uncle. He said he doesn’t want kids. We have had our share of fertility issues so at first I figured this was just because he didn’t want to put forth thousands of dollars into <a href="">ivf</a> or something. He says that is not the case. Then I thought that maybe he is trying to spare my feelings since we have been struggling with fertility so much. Once again he says that is not it. He says he just doesn’t want kids. I love my husband. I want kids though. I don’t know what to do.