Are these signs of abuse in a relationship?

My SO and I have been arguing a lot lately and it has me feeling in a very low place. He always mentions that he’s older and wiser because he’s been through a lot more than me - we are 9yrs apart. I feel like every time I try to express my feelings they are dismissed and replaced with him saying how he feels and that things shouldn’t be this way because of his experience from past relationships. He constantly compares me to his toxic ex that I know personally but don’t know very well. He then goes on to blame me that I’m always playing victim or making excuses to cancel plans with him. I’ve only canceled twice and each time he got upset and blew up at me. This last time it seemed like he was looking for a way to push me away and then came back said I’m sorry I only see myself with you then proceeds to say if we can work this out and do good for three months I’ll marry you. I feel like I’m being set in a trap with this constant back and forth. He doesn’t validate my feelings and sacrifices I made. I recently got a new job which I start in a week or so so I can be on the same work schedule as him rather than continuing my night shift job. I Uber to deliver food to save money in order to be able to gift him nice things since my current night shift job doesn’t give me the ability to spend much even on myself. But then I’m accused of being toxic and playing victim. He says I don’t need your more or anything just love and support, and it seems like he’s always making it seem that he’s the higher one in the relationship than an equal. I don’t know, is the relationship even salvageable or is it time to let go?