
Dee • Pregnant with baby boy #2!!!
I'm sure everything will work out, at least I hope it will. My parents aren't very supportive of my second pregnancy. They weren't really either for my first so I should've been more prepared. Despite that, they have been great grandparents to my son and always go the extra mile for him. They used to watch him every few months so my husband and I could go on date nights and we would pay them. When I started going back to school they would watch my son for free and I was able to finish college. I felt bad asking them to watch my son extra so my husband and I could go on more dates, so I wouldn't and we couldn't afford to pay them anyway so we haven't been on a date in about a year which is fine, but I do miss hanging out with my husband in public setting just the two of us. What I'm worried about is who is going to watch my son when I have to be in the hospital for a few days and nights to give birth. I have no siblings, my sister in law lives two hours away and is having her third baby soon. My in laws are divorced and my father in law wouldn't know the first thing about what to do with a toddler. The only people I trust to watch him I feel like I can't even ask because they don't approve of me having another child anyway and have never taken my son overnight or had him for more than a few hours at a time. I know its months away but its just something that's knawing at the back of my mind.