Comment by my MIL

I’m spending the weekend with my husband and his extended family. They drink a lot so basically everyone has been buzzed. My MIL generally have a good relationship, she’s a great grandma to our 2 year old.

She can definitely make a little rude comments about random things whenever we are together I just like the curtesy laugh whatever.

Tonight we were all at dinner and her brother, my husbands uncle was upset the wait was really long we didn’t have food for 2 hours etc so he leaves. At the whole table my MIL in front of my husbands dad, uncles aunts. “Well Allie just bought tampons today, she should give Mark one”.... granted everyone was drunk she was drunk... I mean no one said anything and here I am sober me just like being completely embarrassed

I typically just don’t let things get to me....but like what the heck. I was basically taken aback she blasted to the whole table I am on my period and bought myself my tampons 😳

How would y’all feel what would you do