Communication help

So my boyfriend & I been together for almost 5 years and we live together as well. We both work, he leaves before me like at 7 in the morning & each day varies when he gets off because of the job he do. We barely talk to each other throughout the day. We might check on each other or text for a quick second but that’s it.

But when i call him, he sounds annoyed . Like i call him he answer “yea” or “what” and i be like I’m just checking on you and he be like okaayy... but I’m at the point where that shit be annoying because I’m your girlfriend and you should sound more happier i guess to talk to me? But when his cousin calls him. They be talking about boy stuff and just be on the phone for a long time.

I talk to my boyfriend about it before & he just was nonchalant about it & like we talk at home. But it be at night when see each other since the morning time.

I guess my question how can i get my boyfriend to understand that i won’t a little more communication? Like we barely talk or text so why when i call you, you sound annoyed like i have nobody else to talk too so yeah.