Sex issues

Before our baby, my bf and I would have sex 3-4 times a week. We have only had sex twice since last March.

My boyfriend has declined sex 6 times now... I asked him if we could have sex today while our son naps on his own in his room (I usually co sleep with my son) and he said he doesn’t want to.

He texted me trying to be funny and I said please stop trying to act like everything between us is okay.

I just confronted him about why he doesn’t want to have sex with me. I asked him if there was another reason and he said no and I said that is not normal you’re human, humans want sex and I know they do. And then I asked him okay are you having sex elsewhere? And that made him mad and then basically it ended with him rolling his eyes and scrolling through Facebook. When I said I think this conversation is a little more important than Facebook he said no and then I said so you don’t care about this relationship and he said no.

I have NEVER forced sex on him, I just was expressing my feelings and letting him know that the way he is communicating with me isn’t healthy.

Can you give me some advice?