boric acid treatment for Yeast-

so, I got this stuff (pictured below) to try out doctor told me to try out boric acid. ive had recurrent yeast infections for 4 years! I get them every month; I am a Type 1 Diabetic so its common. over the counter creams and prescription creams and pills do NOT work for me they'll work for maybe 2 weeks and yeast is back. I am on a diabetic low carb diet, I work out regularly and I take probiotics! they're so bad that I swell up and have cuts all over my vagina. ive had LOTS of tests done to make sure its just yeast and thats all it is! ive ever went to infectious diseases for them to check me out.. JUST YEAST! FOR 4 YEARS! I just want relief and a normal sex life with my husband again.. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Hopefully these help! has anybody tried this have a similar story? how did it work out? im willing to try anything.