Working & pumping


Tinsley turned 15m. I have been teleworking almost a year now and she’s been in daycare since she was 6m old. She still drinks the same amount there, 13.5oz total split in 3 cups. During the weekends, she’ll nurse 5x total. She could care less if I pump & give her a cup or nurse her. In two weeks I’m going to have to resume working in the office 2-3x a week, rotating with other supervisors. (I’m a supervisor and we recently hired 4 new people so I have to be there/rotate to answer questions for them during their extensive 22wk training process, then I’ll go back to teleworking full time). I honestly assumed she would wean by now and dread pumping at work (did it with my first baby and it’s just such a pain).

Any other working moms still pumping this late in the game? I don’t want to quit... but it’s also very hard & time consuming to juggle pumping 3x at work and handling new people/office duties. My supply dropped at 13m so I barely pump what she needs now, or not enough. She still requires the same amount at daycare, so I’ve been adding 1oz of whole milk to her cups if I don’t pump enough for the day.

I’m just curious what others are doing at this stage while working/pumping/nursing.