So in January I tested positive for Chlamydia and PID. I got treatment for it and waited a month later to get retested again and I’m chlamydia free now.

Last week I had gone for a pelvic exam to see if I still had PID since I still had pressure in my lower abdomen and was urinating a lot. They told me I didn’t need a pelvic exam because what was making me urinate a lot was a UTI due to the antibiotics I had taken to treat the chlamydia.

So they gave me antibiotics for a UTI and I finished my 3 day treatment but I still feel the pressure and I’m urinating a lot still 4 days later after finishing treatment. Does it take a while to kick in? Is it something worse?

I am just so overwhelmed because my health has been struggling and I keep going back to appointments. Could it be long term effects due to PID?