Single parent families - Am I wrong for not feeling anything towards my absent father??

I grew up just me & my mum (and grandparents) as my father left my mum before I was born.

It came up in conversation with my partner and he asked how that made me feel. And the truth is, I don't care 🤷‍♀️

I've met him once when I was a teen as he asked to see me. My mum allowed it as long as she was also present, and then he said he didn't want anything to do with us again. But it just doesn't bother me, I'm not sad, angry, or feeling any other way about it - but my partner thinks there is something wrong with me to feel like this. He says it makes me sound cold and I should probably go for counselling to bring up the emotions, but I don't agree! I feel bad for my mum that he left her the way he did, but I don't know the man, so how can I feel anything for him?!

Honestly, am I weird for being so "detached" about it/him??

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