Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief


Anyone else dealing with sciatica during pregnancy? How do you relieve the pain? I've been putting heat on that side/hip. I have also been stretching. I sleep on the opposite side of the pain at night. Just wondering what else people have tried. Thanks!! 
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I just went to a prenatal chiropractor yesterday. Before I saw him I couldn't walk, sit or stand without pain. He did a few VERY minor adjustments and I feel so much better! My hip was out of place due to the relaxed ligaments. Made a world of a difference!  


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My doctor referred me to a chiropractor and it does wonders! 


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I bought a birth ball and it is honestly helping tremendously now. I've had sciatica for about 6 years so I've always had back pain but at 30 weeks, it's becoming too much. It's basically the same exact thing as a yoga/exercise ball but you have to make sure to get the right size.


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Ask your doctor to refer you to a physical therapist. They will help you tremendously. Otherwise you can buy an SI belt and wear it through rest of pregnancy one aspect of sciatic issues through pregnancy is due to lax ligaments and SI belt will help decrease stress to lax SI. The other piece of the puzzle is pelvic positioning and lack of pelvic/core strength which will be addressed by physical therapist.


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Physical therapy baths and Tylonol helps quite a bit. Stretching too!


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Buying an exercise ball .. not much else i can think of besides heating pad and strecthing. . Back rubs dont help me much.


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Heating pad I swear this is my go to for everything! 


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Ask your doctor for a maternity back brace. It helps me a lot!