Follow up appointment tomorrow


Tomorrow is my follow up appointment from last weeks sonogram, We didn’t hear a heartbeat when I thought I was 7 weeks, hoping I ovulated much later than I thought and we get to hear a heartbeat tomorrow afternoon, keep baby and I in your prayers please 😣❤️ I have been so exhausted and throwing up 10-20 times a day since last week , yesterday it was probably 30 times. So I’m hoping that means the baby’s heart started to beat right after our appointment (wishful thinking) And I haven’t bled or been cramping, but still nervous we won’t see our baby on the screen tomorrow 😔 I had a missed miscarriage in october and didn’t find out until 6 weeks after baby stopped developing, not a single sign. I am a nervous mess. Has anyone experienced a similar situation and it turned out for the best ? I’m really praying it was just too early to hear and not that the baby stopped developing before it even really began.. constant nausea and vomiting is a good sign isn’t it ? Ugh my anxiety is through the roof. Trying to keep calm but the closer I get to tomorrow the more I worry about our baby. 💔 send positivity my way please, I could really use it.