Need breastfeeding advice!

So my daughter was born and had severe Jaundice!

So they had me pumping to make sure I gave her enough so she could have a bowel movement. I’d only pump a small amount and they wanted me to supplement the rest so I’ve been doing this since she was a week old and she’s 3 months now.

Supplementing completely messed up my supply because I didn’t understand that just by pumping I wasn’t emptying my breast like she would and I relied on pumping thinking I had to do that to ensure she was eating enough.

Since I didn’t let her just breastfed and cluster feed I’m only getting an ounce or so when I pump. But if I squeeze after I pump I still shoot milk across the room.

I’ve been nursing only now.

Since when I do pump I can’t freeze it because I have to much protein in my milk.

I just went part time so I can finish my college and I’m home 4 days a week now so I’ve been strictly breastfeeding and giving her formula after she breastfeeds to insure she’s getting enough ( in the beginning I just pumped and breastfed at night ) but now I’m letting her breastfeed every feeding unless I’m at work.

I’m noticing she won’t take a bottle much after I breastfed her.

Could this mean she’s getting enough from me? How long should they nurse to know she’s getting enough?

Is there a way I can tell? I’m worried she’s not getting all the ounces she needs because she won’t take a bottle much after nursing like she use to so I’m worried!

Any advice welcomed!!! I still pump at times but try to get her to nurse only unless I’m at work!