baby breastfeeding a lot

i’m so frustrated my baby is 8 weeks old and she’s ALWAYS on my boob.. i’m exclusively breastfeeding and i’m losing my sanity.. it’s like she never gets enough.. I always end up having to pump and give her more milk after she feeds and i can’t store anymore.. I have about 60oz of breast milk in the freezer and would have been way more bc I sometimes go in and unthaw to feed her. every time I go somewhere family is always like “she’s hungry AGAIN?” and i’m just sitting there like yup.. and this is all day long.. I can feed her she takes herself off and falls asleep. I burp her she sits there for a minute then cry’s again for more so I put her back on.. one family member said “oh she would be eating formula” which i’m considering switching but I really want her to be strictly breastfed.. anyone else’s baby does this?