Just needing to vent🙄

Hi, i am 18 years old & soon to be a first time mum, i’m due in June 2021 & me & my partner are so excited to meet our son! In saying that i am also very anxious about having this baby due to the amount of stress & problems people have caused me while pregnant which i know will be worse once he is actually born. Starting with needles; my partners mum has straight out refused to get the influenza needle and said that “i don’t want to be put in hospital which is what happens to everyone who gets that vaccine, i’m basically immune to getting sick anyways i never get sick so there’s no need for me to get it” & my dad has also refused & said something along similar lines.. then when me & my partner say “well you won’t be meeting him till after his 8 weeks old” they pretty much laugh at us & say “yeah we’ll see” or “who’s gonna stop me?”🤦🏻‍♀️ Another thing; My parents spilt up when i was younger & i have always lived with my mum & her partner but since falling pregnant my dad & his girlfriend have become sooo competitive & jealous to the point where if i do anything with my mum that i don’t do with him he causes a big scene & carrys on about it. When i first fell pregnant, me and my partner decided we wanted a small gender reveal with only immediate family but when the time come for the gender reveal my dad carried on the night before literally blowing my phone up verbally abusing me over the fact that we said only him & his girlfriend can come but not any extended family like cousins, auntys, uncles etc. I’ve never been close to my dads family either; their all sooo toxic & ive cut most of them off due to the simple fact their so toxic especially my dads mum! so when the gender reveal came my dad threatened me that if he was to get there & his mum wasn’t invited but my mums mum was then he would ruin the whole gender reveal🤦🏻‍♀️ same with my baby shower he threatened if i don’t invite his mother he’ll turn up himself & ruin my day. He also expects me to as soon as i have the baby take him over to meet his mum (which i have no relationship with & she has never liked me & i have never liked her due to how toxic she is). Me and my partner have also decided we are not going to tell anyone when i’ve gone into labour or had the baby straight away, because we don’t want everyone rushing up to the hospital straight away & we just want to enjoy the first few hours together with our son not being crowded by heaps of people. Which i know my dad will most likely carry on about & my partners mother probably will to aswell as other family members but we are not doing it to hurt anyone we simply just want to spend some time together with just us & the baby.

I don’t know what the point of me writing this post was i don’t know if i’m looking for advice or what but i just don’t know what to do? All the situations & stress people are putting on me & my partner really are getting to me & as i said it’s taking a toll on how excited i am just simply because i don’t want to deal with peoples shit after i give birth i just want to enjoy the beginning of my sons life. Does anyone have any advice on what i should do or anything?