Is this controlling or protective ?

How does your husband feel about random men he doesn’t know, being your friend on social media or following you? My DH was telling me about a post saying something like “Unless you’re my close friend or family, don’t be trying to Friend my wife or follow her on social media. That’s weird bruh and I’m not down with it”. I posted in another group a bunch of said it’s abusive. I know my husband feels this way and it doesn’t feel abusive to me. Unless it’s through work or business I don’t talk to a bunch of men anyway and it would be weird if a guy my DH knows suddenly wanted to Friend me, outside of his close circle of friends. They’re the ones I know anyway.

Are husband’s not allowed these days to be protective of their wife? How protective is okay without crossing the line to being controlled? If I don’t feel controlled, am I still being controlled?