Working Full time with special needs child?

Do any moms here work full time with a special needs child? My son is being evaluated for autism in a couple weeks and he shows many signs so I’m trying to prepare myself mentally if that makes sense. . I’m heartbroken but I know we need to get him help. His current daycare are the ones that brought it to our attention about how much he was struggling in class and developmental wise compared to the other children. He is also a lot to handle most days and even myself struggle with him when he has a really bad day. He has been sent home because of his tantrums and outbursts.

I work full time and always have but now i am feeling so extremely guilty knowing that he is struggling. I am so close to putting in my notice at work and trying to find a part time job maybe 2-3 days a week and dropping my son to part time at his daycare to hopefully minimize his bad days there. I know also that if he is diagnosed then he will most likely be in speech therapy and maybe occupational therapy? I’m not sure what all will happen but I feel like these things will be almost impossible to work around a full time (mon-fri) job. I’ve already missed multiple days and had to leave early just due to his actions so i am already stressed as it is over my job situation and feel it isn’t fair to my coworkers to have to take my share of the work when i leave unexpectedly.

I am lucky enough that my husband does have a decent job and we would survive financially but it would obviously be a cut in income. Does anyone on here work full time and still be able to support your child and get them to whatever classes or doctors they need? I just need advice from someone who’s been through this. I don’t have anyone close to me that has experienced this.