Toddler bedtime helpšŸ˜©

I have a 3 year old daughter who has slept with me in my bed since she was about 2 weeks old. As much as I adored getting snuggled by her (& kicked in the spleen) every night for a little over 2 years, itā€™s honestly one of my parenting regrets because she doesnā€™t feel safe sleeping alone...

I moved her into her own room in her own bed about 4-5 months ago & I was surprised that for the first month it actually went pretty smooth. But I think now that sheā€™s caught on that this is a permanent thing sheā€™s fighting it.

We have a bed time routine. 7:30pm she goes into her room for ā€œquiet timeā€; she can play, read, whatever in her room just as long as sheā€™s quiet (not silent, just not her usual volume which is like 10 lol). Then at 8:15 itā€™s time to get into bed. She chooses a stuffed animal to take to bed, I read her a bedtime story, she gets tucked in, hugs & kisses & then itā€™s lights out.

It may also just be that age too, but lately sheā€™s coke up with every excuse in the book to not go to sleep in her bed. Sheā€™s even resorted to sleeping on the floor (though itā€™s in her room!). I will put her in bed once sheā€™s asleep when that happens but...

anyway, her biggest thing is sheā€™ll BEG me to snuggle her. Usually I say ā€œjust for a little whileā€ & weā€™ll snuggle for about 5-10 minutes & then I leave. But sheā€™ll get up about 5-6 times after that to come find me & beg me to snuggle her. Sheā€™ll cry, stomp, plead, beg, demand... I just tell her no, that weā€™ll snuggle in the morning, remind her that sheā€™s a big brave girl & that big brave girls can go to sleep in their own beds without snuggling their mommies. I show her the stuffed animal she picked out & offer that as an alternative.

But I feel SO bad for saying no to her. I donā€™t ever want to deny her affection, but Iā€™m trying to break the habit as well. I make up for it during the day & give her lots of snuggles, hugs, & affection but I donā€™t want her to think I donā€™t love her...

Any advice/tips/tricks on how to break this habit & help her feel more comfortable sleeping independently??