Queef question

Before my husband and I got married, I got some sex advice from my married friends (husband and I both virgins when we married) One of the topics that came up was queefing. How it's normal and natural and to just laugh it off. Well we've been married now for 3 months and I've not experienced queefing. We have a verrrrrry active sex life (we both had some catching up to do since we we're in our 30's before sex haha). Does queefing matter the size of either partner or the sex position? I'm a very petite woman, 5'0ft and 112lbs...sex took awhile to get comfortable with as my husband is not small downstairs. In fact I tore the first time we tried and that was with a lot of lube. So I thought for sure this would be a recipe for queefing but it's something we haven't experienced. Does it matter if you have kids or just genetics? Does it happen later on after years of sex? TIA