What else can I do for tantrums and meltdowns

My son is driving me crazy lately, once his one year molars started coming in about 2 months ago it’s constant screaming or crying for absolutely no reason. Reasoning with him and explaining why he shouldn’t touch something or throw things at his one month old sister isn’t helping. I’ve tried the sit in time out for a couple minutes and talk with him to calm him down to distract him from what he was trying to do. I’m hoping this is just a phase, I already feel like a bad mom because he got a black eye from running into a table and laughing at himself while at his grandparents and I got blamed for that. I also follow little big feelings I believe it’s called on Instagram and that barely helps. Sorry if I make zero sense I just don’t know where else to turn my in laws aren’t much of a help and I try not to bother my mom since she has a bunch of health issues.