Im kinky but this made me uneasy. Just me?

Zoe • Pregnant with second baby! Momma if one baby boy! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

So back story on me. I had a very abusive childhood. Physically, sexually and mentally. I am a kinky in the bedroom. I am into bdsm impact play and I like to have my hair pulled and to be choked. Anyway on to my story. My bf and I have not been sexually active much lately and this situation was not at all sexual so I don’t want that to be miscommunicated. We were laying in bed watching river monsters and asked me to cuddle on him so he could fall asleep easier. So I did. A couple minutes pass and something funny happens in the show and I giggle and say something to him. He immediately grabs my hair and pulls me to look at him and yells at me that I knew he was asleep and why the fuck would I wake him up etc. I said sorry It what’s only been a couple minutes and I didn’t think he was asleep already and I won’t do it again and went to my side of the bed. This is sitting very uneasy with me and I want to say something to him about it but I am pregnant and tired and emotional and really don’t feel like having him upset or mad at me. Am I being too emotional or is my feeling that this is something that could turn bad fast correct?