is this normal?

so my boyfriend and i are not trying to have children, but we don’t prevent it. it’s been about a year that we stopped using birth control and preventing. and i haven’t gotten pregnant nor had a scare.

at first my periods were “regular” (i was on the nuva ring, so sometimes i would skip a month on purpose) , I stopped the nuva ring in the summer of 2019 and we used protection until feb 2020

then my periods were irregular late feb 2020 because i went on the pill and stopped it 5 days later of just taking it due to getting sick. & then sometimes i would skip a month, a month and a half maybe even 2. but in Nov 2020 my periods just started regulating. so they’ve been coming on time or 2 days “late”. so it’s just now regulating again and coming every month around the same time period/frame.

is this normal? not getting pregnant or not being pregnant yet? it just came to my mind. i mean my boyfriend doesn’t finish inside of me at all ( sometimes he will, it is rare ) but we still don’t use protection of any kind.