I missed her 20th birthday 😭


Today was my best friend's 20th birthday and I forgot until 30 minutes ago (which was 10PM, 11PM her time)

I feel so terrible. We don't talk as often as I'd like cause she's busy with school and I'm busy being stressed tf out so naturally, I forgot. I texted her as soon as I remember, but she was most likely already sleeping. I moved away in September and I miss her so much. We're 800 miles apart so it's not like I can just drive 5 minutes to go see her like I used to.

I was there for her through the worst years of her teenage life and I can't believe I didn't get to bring in her 20th with her. She's like my little sister, she means everything to me (I'm two years older)

I'm hoping next year I can actually be there for her 21st and we'll get tipsy together 🤞🏻