Chemical/ectopic? But HCG rising???

Hi all,

I got faint positives at 13dpo but then experienced a period type bleed 2 days later with cramping which still remains 4 days later. I have had bloods done twice and HCG is low and has gone from 32 to 69 in 2 days (this would be 4 weeks pregnant). I have had an ultrasound where they found a blood clot in my uterus but it was too early to see any sac within uterus or possibly ectopic.

Dr wants me back for HCG readings in another 48 hours and then go from there.

I am so petrified of an ectopic pregnancy but it is too early to show on any scans.

Has anyone had similar experiences? Doctor keeps saying it could still be viable but I’m finding it SO hard to believe right now.

So exhausted from all the unknown