Gift Receiving


I’m not sure if this is the right group for this question. I’ve struggled with this for a while and wanted some perspective. What do you do when you receive a gift that you aren’t going to use, it’s something your already have, you don’t like it, etc.? My MIL gave us a bunch of gifts for Christmas that fit this criteria. She’s so sweet and I appreciate the thought but I also don’t want a bunch of clutter in my house from gifts I’m not using. I’ve been hanging on to them because I don’t want to hurt her feelings (she is a very emotional person). She’s coming to visit in a few weeks so I’m hanging onto the until at least then in case she brings them up. When can I get rid of some of these items? I figured I’d ask because I’m sure this will happen with baby items as well in a few months. I really don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but I really hate my home feeling cluttered.