I need some encouragement

So I'm 7 weeks pregnant when I told the guy I've been dating he pretty much walked away from..(he's 31 with 4 kids I'm 30 with 2 kids all from previous marriages we've been dating for 2 years) he gave the whole he's not ready speech asked me for am abortion (we went through this last year I got the abortion for him) I told him I couldn't do it this time around..well we didn't yalk for a few weeks and I was slowly preparing myself to go thro this pregnancy alone..then out of the blue he starts coming around again staying over we are having sex.. The weekend he gets his kids he brings them over to play with my kids everything is good back to normal(forgot to mention I found out that he was sleeping around) then once his kids leave everything goes back him not wanting the baby him saying he tried to get on board to him not talking to me anymore..I'm so upset I was starting to feel like we could raise this baby together I let my guard down..and now he just took that away from me.. I feel like he was just leading me on.. And now I'm back to feeling alone and the thought of having to go through this pregnancy alone is so heart breaking..2 years and it's that easy for him to just through me to the side..and in the back of my mouth be I do feel like he's already right back to sleeping around..and yet I still tell myself that I love him.