How to tell my partner?

Background story, I’m 36 (37 this year) my partner is 42.

I’m on the pill but recently found out I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. My period was regular as I was only on the mini pill so still have a period bang on every 29 days. I’m scared to tell my partner because I’m quite a shy person and struggle talking about difficult things. I have tried dropping so many hints. Usually he jokes that I’m pregnant every month, this month knowing that my period is now 11 days late he hasn’t said anything. Yesterday we where casually messaging while at work and he said how grumpy I would be when my period finally comes, so I dropped the hint that my period is well over 11 days late, he sent a txt back joking that I’m pregnant, so I replied with “well I did say I have been nauseous every day”. And he just replied with lots of kisses. I thought that perhaps he would pick up the conversation or mention something when we go home, but nothing and a continuation like it’s all normal. I told him three times today I feel nauseous and and tired all the time to see if it would prompt him I to talking about it. I guess he just isn’t really good at taking hints, and I’m so scared to bring it up. Not sure how to even approach it, I thought that me mentioning everyday how late my period is that he would prompt into asking me to take a test. He even said at one point I’m probably just going through early menopause. Help! How do I start with him taking it seriously? He seems to brush it off each time as me joking if I do mention the possibility I could be pregnant.