Am I over reacting?

Alexis • Donnelly

So im a very in my feelings type person, I wear my heart on my sleeve once I trust you. I've been dating this guy on and off for almost 2 years but here recently he started texting a girl who he says is his cousin from his dad's side and I don't know if I believe him because they text ALOT more than him and his sister who are super close, and I told him it made me somewhat uncomfortable and all he said was oh well. And that pissed me off and the next day we talked about how that made me feel and he said he would do better. Well last night I was like hey can you come to bed somewhat early because I've been having bad dreams and I feel better next to you and he said he would. And he didn't come to bed until 3 am (he was with my dad) and that upset me. Which he knew I was upset and he asked if I was mad, and I told him no because im not mad im upset. And he goed hope not, don't need you mad over something stupid. I just feel like he isn't taking my feelings into consideration and like what do I do? I love him so much but I feel like he needs to do better considering my last relationship was extremely mentally and verbally abusive. Any friendly advice? ❤