Are SAHMs allowed to take a break?

I am a SAHM. I have 3 kids,12, 2, 8mo. I am EXHAUSTED. I feel like like robot everyday.. I feel like I'm dying a little bit each day.. my husband is in the military so we dont have family close close don't really have friends yet as we just move.. im reaching a breaking point. I wanted to go to my home state for the weekend, 7hrs away, and my sister was gonna keep my kids while I retreat at my dad's house bc I mentally need a day or so to literally do nothing but eat and use the bathroom. I ran it by my hubby and he was upset about being left alone 😑 he said he'd try to get Friday off to go too but he couldn't and told me I can go head and go but I knew he didn't really mean it. So I made peace with appeasing him and suffering in silence as always and just staying home. Each day since I'm breaking more and more and today I finally told him I realize I NEED to do this for myself and my mental well being. Ofc he was not happy but he said ok whatever,obviously upset. I'm a people pleaser so I try to smoothe it over. I told him I can stay local and get a hotel if he can keep the kids home. I just want to be left alone for an entire day. He said

No its a waste of money and he can just take the kids out during the day. He said he doesn't see the big deal.. he doesn't get that I legit need a day of nothing. No crying, nothing so taking them out during the day I'm still gonna have to bust my ass for dinner, baths, bed time, cleaning etc. Then said well instead he can drive the kids 7hrs to his mom and drop them off.... how is driving 7hrs to drop them off,come home then go back to get them and come bk not spending more money AND time than me staying in a hotel?? Then eventually he basically said its bc I might cheat while I'm away in a hotel. I even offered him to have a room key. He has always been insecure and accused me of cheating, even asked if our last son was his. Im crying right now bc im so miserable being treated like this. I've never done anything to deserve this. I'm no longer focused on needing a break and now overwhelmed by the constant accusations. I'm so broken 💔