Cervical Cerclage Removal & Labor

I would like to read some birth stories from anyone who has had a cervical cerclage placed in at any point in there pregnancy and had it removed around 36 or 37 weeks to go into labor. This is my 3rd pregnancy and my 2nd cerclage that was placed. I had a still birth with my first Angel baby at 22 weeks pregnant and with my 2nd pregnancy I had the cerclage placed in at 16 weeks but my water broke at 36 weeks with my baby boy💙 before I could get my cerclage removed. I am currently 36 weeks pregnant again with my babygirl💕 this is now my 3rd pregnancy I just got my cerclage removed 3 days ago so this is new to me and I’m waiting on my body to do it’s thing and go into labor hopefully soon😊 I would like to know how did it go for any moms giving birth? How long after getting the cerclage removed did you go into labor? How was your experiences with the removal and waiting on labor to happen? Thank you!