Best labor experience!


I went in Tuesday morning to be induced. I was already 4cm dilated at 75% effaced.

They started pitocin around 8am, with in a few minutes my contractions were 5 minutes apart. They broke my water at 9:13am, I got the epidural at 10:30am. There was a spot on my belly that was still hurting so around 12:40pm they gave me a stronger booster that he said I could have every 2 hours until I gave birth (I couldn’t get up and walk until 8pm so yea..). The nurse checked me at 1pm and said I was ready to push. We waited for the doctor to come in and she got everything ready. Doctor got there, he got ready, husband got ready. Pushed about 6 times and she was born at 1:36pm. It all happened so fast! Best part is, no tearing! Didn’t have to use any of that spray or tucks pads or anything, just a couple ice packs for swelling. I’m still in shock about how easy everything went 😅

My little Blakely 7lbs 8oz and 20 1/2 inches long💕