Homebirth vs birthing center

Will be meeting with a licensed midwife this week to discuss prenatal care & homebirth plan. My concern with homebirth are of course the “what if” scenarios, especially since I’m due in December and live in the mountains, where we can expect snow anytime after halloween each year.

I also don’t want to deal with the hospitals covid protocols, this will be my last pregnancy and I’ve been low risk with my previous 2 births. I’m really looking for a natural birth with no unnecessary medical interventions, and my experiences with the hospital has been really cold and impersonal. Also had a bad epidural and ended up needing pitocin last round because I was stuck on the bed, on my back, hooked up to a million things. I want my husband, mother, doula & midwife and even my toddlers to be present if they wish. I want to be able to dance and move my body to bring my baby earth side.

Part of me feels it is selfish to want this birth scenario. Especially since insurance doesn’t cover and we’ll be paying out of pocket. My husband is supportive but prefers the hospital birth we had with our daughters.