Am I crazy??? Am I overreacting?


I need to know if I am overreacting!! I’m not sure if this is the right group to post this in, but my husband and I have been TTC for about three years now, we have done three medicated with trigger shot cycles and have decided to take a break but recently he’s been playing video games with his buddies from high school and that’s not the issue it’s that the buddies from high school are a married couple and they have kids and another single dad who hangs out with them a lot and the whole group calls the main girl “mama” when playing video games and it kind of upsets me. I’ve kind of mentioned it to my husband that it hurts my feelings when he calls her that because I want to be able to be called “mama” but it just hasn’t happened for us yet. I don’t think he means it in a bad way but just the whole group refers to her as that because she’s just used to being called that by her two little girls and her husband and it’s just what all of the group calls her, but I really don’t like it when my husband calls her that and I don’t know if I am overreacting and should bring it up to my husband again or not.