Been trying for a year


Hi there, during the TTC it’s been a bit confusing because I kept getting positive home pregnancy tests but everytime I go to get urine test done comes out negative. My period has always be monthly throughout most my life . My first positive was on September 17 2020 I had taken 6 pregnancy tests all were positive I took them with first respond then went to Planned parenthood to confirm with a urine test and came out negative. Before I had taken the pregnancy tests I was already two months and a half late which lead me to test. In March 14 I had missed my period for two months and decided to take 4 clearblue pregnancy tests 2 of them were digital they said pregnant. Then the other 2 were just regular each has faint lines but I had decided to follow what the digital ones said. I went to the doctor to take a urine test and came back negative again. I’m not sure why this keeps happening like I just thinking maybe the issue is with me or my partner or both . Any advice