Am I the asshole?

Last year during the pandemic, I was pregnant, and I had my son in July. I also have a toddler. My husband was at work a lot so when my due date approached, he asked his mom (who lives 2 hours away) to come stay with us in case I went into labor quickly so we had someone to immediately watch our toddler, as the hospital did not allow children due to Covid. She was excited to come spend some time with us.

So the first few days, everything went well. Then she started getting impatient that I wasn’t going into labor. She started randomly crying that she wanted to go home and that she missed her husband. She started leaving the house and spent hours on the phone at the park on the phone with her husband. I was like, well okay then go home. It was stressing me out having a grown woman in my house crying that she missed her husband. I thought it was weird. It had only been a week and she was only 2 hours away. She didn’t go home though. She said she felt “obligated”.

Then she started getting uglier about it. We’d watch tv and she would make passive aggressive comments like I wasn’t going into labor because I was watching tv instead of exercising. Then she started making racist comments about black people on TV, which I had never heard from her before. I was shocked.

Finally after another week, I had our baby, she watched our toddler while I was in the hospital, and she went home.

Since then, I have not had much contact with her at all. She keeps calling my husband crying asking why I won’t bring over the kids so she can see them... but honestly I can’t get over how childish and ugly she acted towards me when I honestly just needed her help. I have no real desire or intention to see her anytime soon or let her be around my kids knowing now that she’s racist. Everyone keeps telling me I was being insensitive to her feelings and that she just didn’t know how to handle being away from her husband. But I’m sorry, I just find that kind of silly and stupid. It was 2.5 weeks. Like grow up. You’re 55 years old.

Am I the asshole for not really wanting her around anymore and wanting to limit contact with her? Is it wrong of me to withold my kids?